Based on classic Flash Player distance games like Toss the Turtle, this game challenges the player to fly as far as possible before coming to a stop. 

Originally submitted to: Alberta Slow Jam #1 - BitShaper is participating individually from Edmonton Alberta. (Go Oilers!!)

How to Play


  1. Use mouse pointer to aim the canon
  2. Left-click the mouse or press the spacebar to set your aim.
  3. Watch the power bar fill, and left-click the mouse or press the spacebar to set your power level. The higher it is, the more powerful the canon shot!

In Flight

  • Tap the spacebar to flap your wings for a sudden burst of movement. This has greater effect when stuck on the ground. This drains a chunk of energy.
  • Hold the spacebar to glide. Gliding will cause Icarus' wings to give lift. Be careful, too much lift and you'll do a loop-de-loop. This gradually drains your energy.
  • If your energy bar empties, then you won't be able to flap your wings or glide! 


The following are obstacles for Icarus to either dodge or catch.

BombsSpikesEnergy DrinksCoins
Bombs blow up near Icarus, providing a burst of speed!Spikes stop Icarus dead in his tracks. Ouch!Energy drinks (Red Minotaur brand) replenish energy so you can keep using your wings!Coins! Who doesn't love coins! Unfortunately, they're for an unfinished store feature which would have had purchasable upgrades...

About this Project

This project has been a learning experience for me in some important skills:

  • Digital drawing with Krita (admittedly, still a ways to go)
  • Understanding how to constrain Unity Rigidbodies to a screenspace and move the world around it. 
  • Implementing the Unity Leaderboard API for the first time

Known Bugs

  • Icarus may creep his way up or down the screen until he's off screen. Don't worry, he'll be back as soon as he hits the ground.
  • If you glide too much, Icarus will go left and disappear off screen. (It's like pulling up on the flight stick for too long until you're in a loop-de-loop.) Don't worry too much, he may still come back.
  • Clicking the initial submit button on the leaderboard page doesn't load the results the first time. Clicking Refresh on the leaderboard page will load them.
  • If the game is choppy, turn on your browser's hardware acceleration for a significant improvement.
  • Based on how obstacles are randomly spawned, there's a possibility of hitting a "golden path" of bombs that carries you on for extremely long runs. 
Published 10 days ago
Tags2D, distance, Flight, Flying, Hand-drawn


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Lots of fun, love how bouncy he is lol

Thanks! I'm glad he was bouncy for you :)

this is genuinly cool!

Thank you very much!